
Hate evil, love good, and establish justice in the gate – Amos 5:15

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We aim to treat our clients as people not numbers. If you treat clients as a revenue source only, this will reflect in the legal services that you provide. The bottom line is not money, it is achieving good outcomes and providing personal service.


We believe the highest standard for our conduct is set out in the Bible. We aim to infuse our practice with Christian virtues. Our work is a calling, not just a way to make money and we see our role as seeking the peace, prosperity and wellbeing of our clients, our community and society.


We seek to give back to the community in which we practice. Steenhof Brothers gives 10% of all profits to charitable causes and community organisations.

Pro Bono

We contribute our legal services to worthy causes and have a significant pro bono practice. We assist a variety of charitable causes with legal representation and advice.
